Spark Design Awards' is an open international design competition to recognize and inspire designers from various sectors of design from a paper-weight to a high-rise building. Almost anyone can participate in the competition, designers, art directors, architects, design firms, manufacturers, institutions, ad agencies, students and novices may enter.
Phase 1 entry fees are US$ 175 for professionals and US$ 50 for students and none professionals.
Submission deadline: Phase : August 15, 2009, (Late Deadline: September 10)
Visit : http://www.sparkawards.com/ for details.
You may register on the website now (CLICK HERE to register). The first phase (virtual jury) final deadline is September 10. An international jury will carefully review the entries. Phase I entrants chosen by the Jury will then have the option to participate in Phase II, as a Spark "Challenger" candidate, with payment of a second fee of $250. Phase II deadline is October 12, 2009. Jurists will judge the actual, physical works of design in Phase II, so you'll need to ship your design to the Jury site by October 16th.