Its none other than the Open Architecture Challenge of this year. Open Architecture Challenge is organized by the Open Architecture Network which is a concern of Architecture for Humanity.
Lets look into the issues of the challenge of 2009. Many of the architects must have wondered about a better design of the classrooms of the junior schools, if architects would participate and do something for the poor classrooms they must become more effective places for learning. And its the students and the teachers of the schools who also think about their dream classrooms!

OAC this time gives you the opportunity to talk with the students and teachers of a school and together design a better classroom. Who knows through your design the quality of education might change, the future leaders of the world may come out from the schools! So you have to find out a school to work with first (or you may choose partner schools already enlisted in the OAN website). Start designing the classroom and make the energetic young students as your design partners. And it's definitely going to be a very amazing experience!
The winning design will be built, the school will get up to 50,000 USD and the designer will receive around 5000 USD. So everyone should jump in to help a school near you! Even if your design doesn't win however it will be an asset for the school for future developments.
Registration Fees: 25 USD, (Waived for participants from developing nations)
Registration Deadline: May 4, 2009
Submission Deadline: June 1, 2009
Eligibility: Anyone from any where in the world can participate, no age or qualification requirements needed to enter.
About the Schools: Any primary or secondary school (university or training academies are not eligible) And only an adaptable 'classroom' design will be eligible to win. No one needs to design the whole school at all!
The schools can also register as the partners in the website so that other designers from around the world can participate to design for them.
Competition Website: openarchitecturenetwork.org/challenge
ArchSociety will try to keep track and update the news of this competition periodically. Any queries, partnership, design team issues may be discussed in the forum or here as comments.