American Society of Landscape Architects call for entries every year from the professionals and students to put their best works of landscape design to this global award program. The competition runs in different categories including general, specialized, built and unbuilt, for professionals, non-professionals and students.
Non-ASLA members can also enter from anywhere in the world if they are eligible to get any of the kind of ASLA memberships with the payment of one year fees for the membership during the competition entry.
Award recipients receive featured coverage in Landscape Architecture Magazine, the magazine of ASLA, and in many other design and construction industry and general interest media. Award recipients, their clients, and advisors will be honored at the awards presentation ceremony during the ASLA Annual Meeting and EXPO in Phoenix, September 28–October 1, 2012.
Deadlines: Entry forms and payment must be received by: - Friday, February 3, 2012, for Professional Awards - Friday, April 27, 2012, for Student Awards
Submission binders must be received by: - Friday, February 17, 2012, for Professional Awards - Friday, May 11, 2012, for Student Awards
Urban Intervention: Howard Wright Design Ideas Competition for Public Space
on Wednesday 07 December 2011 - 17:22:00 | by diya
What is the role public space will be playing ecologically, socially and economically in the next 100 years? Urban Intervention attempts to answer this question through a competition for designing a public space on a 9 acre site at the heart of Seattle Centre, a 74 acre urban park and campus in the USA. Design ideas are expected to keep in mind the city's culture of innovation and interaction through civic engagement and participation and use these as tools to explore the changing role of public spaces in the contemporary.
The key themes to be explored are: -Design to Innovate -Build an Ecologically Resilient City -Renew the Cultural Campus -Generate Dialogue -Be a Change Agent
The competition is open to high level multidisciplinary entries from established or emerging design teams with at least one member who is a licensed design professional. Participation can result in not just prizes and recognition in an international arena, but also exhibitions, publications, honorable mentions, etc.
The competition is open internationally for participants from any country. Award: Up to three finalist teams receive $30,000 to further develop ideas; winning team will receive an additional $30,000 cash prize Deadline: Early registraiton: January 6th 2012, Phase-1 Submission: February 10, 2012. Fees: Early registration fees $80
A logo and branding design competition for architects and students has been announced by a newly born community organization in Hyderabad, India called the "archxplore". Archxplore is a not for profit organization created by the architectural design firm Samar Ramachandra Associates, Hyderabad, India. They are planning to create a forum/body of people passionate about architecture, seeking insight into its various aspects through discussions, travel, interaction and sharing.
At the beginning 'archxplore' starts with this call for the design of their logo and other stationary design. The competition entrants will have to submit the design of these:
- A logo - A letter style and a monogram - Letterhead - Visiting Card
Entries to be submitted in jpeg or pdf format. The winning entry will have to be submitted in an image resolution that can be used for printing. The design has to be original and any similarity found with an existing logo will call for disqualification.
The Prize A free trip to Sikkim with archexplore in April 2012*, or (on providing valid reason for unavailability to join the trip) a prize amount of INR Rs. 20,000.00 or equivalent in Euros/US Dollars.
Eligibility Architectural students or architects anywhere in the world (yep, no graphic designers, no advertising professionals).
The Judges Architect Samar Ramachandra and the panel in Samar Ramachandra Associates. All entries shall be the property of the judging panel and there shall be no display of the entries, other than the winning entry, to the participants or others. The judges retain the rights to reject all entries if not found satisfactory, however, two consolation prizes shall be given to the deserving participants.