The World Habitat Award is one of the highest recognition of sensible housing projects world wide. Its an annual award program for build, sustainable and successful housing projects from any countries in the world. Each year two projects are awarded .
In 2008 the award winning projects were:
Champlain Housing Trust, Vermont, USA2.
Preventing Typhoon Damage to Housing, Central VietnamThe awards are presented each year at the annual United Nations
global celebration of World Habitat Day.
Submission Deadline: 1st June 2009
WHO CAN ENTERThis international competition is open to all individuals and
organisations, including central and local governments, NGOs,
community-based groups, research organisations and the private sector.
PRIZEn International recognition for your work
n A cash prize of £10,000
n The opportunity for transfer of the award-winning approach through
an international study visit to the project, sponsored by the Building
and Social Housing Foundation
HOW TO ENTERThe World Habitat Awards competition has a two-stage entry process:
Stage I submissions need only comprise a concise summary of the
project. From the Stage I submissions, twelve projects are selected by
an assessment committee to go forward to Stage II of the competition.
Stage II submissions are evaluated by an independent advisory group
before being put to a panel of international judges. Evaluation visits
will be carried out to some of the projects prior to the final judging.
Details for entry and an online application form can be found on the
World Habitat Awards website at
If you have any recommendations or know of organisations that BSHF should know about then please contact at:
Jim Robinson
International Programme Officer
Building and Social Housing Foundation
E: jimDOTrobinsonATbshfDOTorg
T: +44 (0) 1530 510444
F: +44 (0) 1530 510332
www.bshf.org www.worldhabitatawards.org

Umm we were just waiting for the name to appear in the list of Pritzker laureates! Yes it is no other than Swiss architect Peter Zumthor wins the ‘Nobel of Architecture’ the Pritzker Prize.
Undoubtedly Zomthor deserved it. He might get this honor even before!
Zumthor is admired for his exceptionally focused, uncompromised and determined designs. Zumthor is not like a so called ‘stararchitect’ of international architecture! Rather he is working in his office at a remote village of Haldenstein in the Swiss mountains for last 30 years in a steady and integrated progress. He is also known for his remarkable texts like ‘Thinking Architecture’. In his own words in that book he says:
“I believe that architecture today needs to reflect on the tasks and possibilities which are inherently its own. Architecture is not a vehicle or a symbol for things that do not belong to its essence. In a society that celebrates the inessential, architecture can put up a resistance, counteract the waste of forms and meanings, and speak its own language. I believe that the language of architecture is not a question of a specific style. Every building is built for a specific use in a specific place and for a specific society. My buildings try to answer the questions that emerge from these simple facts as precisely and critically as they can.”

Kolumba Museum in Cologne

Protective Housing for Roman Excavations, Chur, Graubünden, Switzerland
(Photo credit: Helene Binet)

Thermal Bath Vals, Graubünden, Switzerland
(Photo credit: Helene Binet)
For more information
Download the Press Release |
Download Projects Photo BookletVisit
Pritzker Prize Homepage.

Every December, ARCHITECTURAL RECORD publishes its Design Vanguard issue, featuring the work of 10 emerging architects/firms from around the world. Although A.R. do not have a specific age limit for candidates, they tend to select architects who have been out of architectural school for 10 years or less. To be considered for this year's Design Vanguard, send a hardcopy portfolio (no larger than 15 x 20 inches) with 5-8 projects (both built and unbuilt), along with CVs of the firm's partners and a short statement of the firm's design approach/philosophy.
The cost to enter is $50. Please make checks payable to Architectural Record magazine. They will not accept payment in any foreign currency or credit cart charges; please send checks and money orders.
Send the portfolios to:
Clifford Pearson/Design Vanguard
Architectural Record
2 Penn Plaza, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10121-2298 USA
http://archrecord.construction.com/features/designvanguardFor details and for the copy of sumission form.