HERE to download the poster and invitation card of the launching event]
Architects Regional Council of Asia (ARCASIA) is an organization of the seventeen National Institutes of Architects from the Asian region who have united together to foster friendly, intellectual, artistic, educational and scientific ties and maintain professional contacts, mutual cooperation and assistance among Member Institutes. Each of these member countries share some common traits being an Asian and also are rich with their individual heritage.
The architectural heritage of all the ARCASIA member countries is rich with the glory of the ancient wisdom of building science as well as with the continuation of those inspirations reflected in the architectural built forms of the present day.
The ARCASIA HERITAGE is a portfolio of some heritage architectural projects from the ARCASIA member countries. It is a collection documenting ten heritage projects from each of the seventeen member countries of ARCASIA. These projects have been selected such that they signify a particular period of architectural achievement, covering from ancient to modern age. The total book is divided into two volumes, the first one containing eight countries while the second volume includes nine countries, all of them being arranged in alphabetical order.
This publication may remain as an inspiration and a source of invaluable knowledge for all throughout Asia and the world. And it's kind of a long overdue task considerately done mainly by some of the enthusiasts in Bangladesh. The book is edited by Dr. Abu Sayeed M. Ahmed, Head of the Department of Architecture of The University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh, arranging contents from all the 17 member countries of the ARCASIA.
The Launching EventInstitute of Architects Bangladesh, in association with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Bangladesh, is organizing the launching ceremony of "ARCASIA HERITAGE" at Nalini Kanta Bhattashali Hall, National Museum, Shahbag, Dhaka at 17:30 on
Sunday, July 17th, 2011.
Dr. Dipu Moni, MP, Hon'ble Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh will be present there and Dr. Abu Sayeed M. Ahmed will talk about the book.
The invitation is open. Inquiry or rsvp at +880 2 9624664, +880 2 8611454, mailATarchsociety.com
Download the poster and invitation card .

Abstract Submission Deadline Extended to 25th July)
The Department of Architecture in Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) is the first formal institution to impart Architectural education in Bangladesh. The creation of a new faculty of Architecture and Planning in BUET fifty years ago in 1962 was instrumental in filling a professional vacuum and it's opening had spurred significant changes in the development of the country. On the occasion of the celebration of '50 years of Architecture in Bangladesh' an International Seminar on 'Architecture: Education, Practice and Research' has been organized to mark the new direction that architecture has taken in Bangladesh with the starting of formal institutional education in
Architecture at BUET.
As it is declared in the official call for papers document the purpose of the event is to provide a forum for architects, engineers, scientists and designers to share ideas on architectural design, innovation, science and technology through paper presentation and discussion. It aims to raise
questions on the interfaces between academia and practice, and between research and its application in Architecture. It will extend the scope to assess the past, present and future directions of education, practice and research in Architecture.
Originality in thinking and reporting of first hand ideas are expected. Submission of paper in architecture and related disciplines are invited from architects, engineers, artists, educationists, graduate students, theorists, and researchers. Interested authors may submit papers in all areas of architecture, related to education, practice and research. Please note that the seminar is inclusive and collaborative, aiming to forge links between diverse groups.
Time and Place:02 - 04 February 2012
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Submission of AbstructAbstracts of papers are welcomed related to purposes outlined for the seminar. Interested authors are requested to submit extended abstracts written in English for Long or Short papers. The abstract should contain at least 350 but must not exceed 500 words. The abstract should include the title of the paper, name(s) of author(s), presenting author, affiliations including e-mail addresses, key words, objectives, conclusions and option for long/short paper. Abstracts should be submitted by 15 July 2011 via e-mail in Microsoft Word format to the Seminar Secretariat (arch.seminar.buetATgmail.com). All submitted abstracts and papers will be peer-reviewed. Instructions and templates for final papers will be sent along with notification of acceptance of abstracts. Accepted papers (both long and short) of registered participants will be published in CD format as Proceedings of the Seminar. Printed proceedings will be available by additional fee after the seminar. On the basis of merit of the papers and availability of time, short papers may be presented along with poster presentation. For all inquiries, please contact the Department of architecture, BUET.
Download the call for papers official PDF release from
IMPORTANT DEADLINES Call for Paper: 10 June 2011
Deadline for abstract submission: 25 July 2011
Notification of abstract acceptance: 31 July 2011
Deadline for full paper submission: 15 September 2011
Notification of Reviewers' report: 15 October 2011
Deadline for reviewed paper submission: 15 November 2011
Notification of full paper acceptance: 15 December 2011
Deadline for Registration: 31 December 2011
International Seminar: 2 - 4 February 2012
This International Seminar on Architecture: Education Practice and Research is being organized by the Department of Architecture, BUET, in collaboration with Institute of Architects, Bangladesh (IAB) and Architects Alumni Association of BUET (ArcAAB).
The image attached here is the copy of the original circulation from the office.
Dateline for CV submission in on
15th June, 2011[Submitted by
mRs. AhSaN]