The scope of using daylighting creatively in architecture is limitless. This award attempts to encourage architecture students to explore daylight and create awareness and understanding of this ever present source of energy and light. 'Light of Tomorrow' is thus its overall theme. It seeks out projects that use daylight in the context of aesthetics, functionality, sustainability and the interactions between built form and its contexts. Projects can have any scale from the design of a small device to a large urban intervention both in a living or work environment.
The award contains no specific categories, but entries may focus on:
-Concepts with focus on sunlight as a natural source
of light and energy
-The contribution of daylight to high visual quality
and interior comfort that support people’s lives and
living conditions
-The rethinking of daylight in urban or surburban
living context
-The importance of sunlight and daylight for sustainable
architecture that takes into account the rhythm and
balance of nature
-Abstract concepts like daylight vs. artificial light,
day vs. night, in vs. out, etc.
The jury will evaluate the projects in accordance with the following criteria:
-How the project addresses the future
-The level of experimentation and innovation
-How technology is being approached
-The level of poetry, human conditions and an
architecture that we want to believe in
-The use of daylight as a premise for architecture
-The overall graphic presentation of the project,
how the project presents itself.
The award is open to any registered architecture student anywhere in the world. Projects can be submitted by individuals or groups of students supervised by a teacher. One of the jurers is Alvaro Siza which is an added attraction for many!
Awards: 1st prize: 8,000 euros to student(s), 2,000 euros to teacher(s)
2nd prize: 4,000 euros to student(s), 1000 euros to teacher(s)
Registration deadline: 1 March 2012
Deadline for submission: 7 May 2012
For registration and details please visit the
competition website.

Innovative design ideas for New York City's East River Waterfront esplanade that would integrate it with its larger urban context are called upon by this interesting urban/landscape design competition organised by CIVITAS. The design should attempt to rethink the pedestrian experience along the waterfront area and create a rich and spatially exciting zone of urban activity and integration, a place of escape and relaxation for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Architects, landscape architects, urban planners, students, artists- anyone can participate.
Submission period ends: January 15 2012
Winners announced: Late February 2012
Awards First prize – $5,000
Second prize – $3,000
Third prize – $2,000
Honourable mentions (5) – $100 each
Fees: $50 per entry
For more information, visit the
Competition Website

San Francisco based organization the Center for Architecture + Design is hosting an interesting contest of making 3 minutes short films on 'what is architecture'.
The entrants may be from any community or profession, young or old, and the people and the subjects on the film may also be from any where in the world on anything that portrays the core answer 'Architecture is...' As architecture means something different to each of us, and we want to hear what it means to you! Is it the beams and columns that hold up your home? Is it the way a skyscraper makes you feel like an ant in the city? Or is it how the built environment makes you move through space?
The submission will be online via YouTube and there's no entry fees. There are two separate categories for youth and adult Youth [13-18 years] Adult [19+ years] entrants.
Deadline: September 8, 2011,
Prize: Top films will be shown 2011 Architecture and the City Festival Film Series at Sanfrancisco Public Library and will also receive iPad-2
Second place winners will receive a Kodak PlaySport camera.
See details at the competition website: