Singapore ArchiFest is an annual festival for the city to celebrate the built environment since 2007. The activities of the festival is increasingly turning to an international nature and drawing international designer crowd. This year the festival will be held between 5 – 31 October with a theme ‘Architecture for Humanity’. Which includes the Forum on 19 & 20 October at the National Library of Singapore, ‘ArchiTours’ to various locations, exhibitions and different other events and activities.
A handful internationally renowned architects and thinkers are already confirmed as the speakers in the Forum. The list includes Aamer Taher, Ben Van Berkel, Jacques Ferrier and many more. Early registration for the event (till 1st October) costs SGD 200 for SIA/IDP/CIJC/ARCASIA members and 75 SGD for students. A group discount is offered till 16th October which includes a free pass for buying 5 passes.
Visit the Event Website for other details.
Photography Competition
The competition is open for anyone from anywhere in the world. They want photographs which say something about the event theme ‘Architecture for Humanity’. This competition is sponsored by Basheer Graphic Books and they are providing Lomo camera or a photography book as the prize. There’s no entry fee, it’s just clicking uploading and waiting for the result!
Submission deadline: 5 October 2009
To upload photos and other details visit the Competition Website.

A common notion of ‘emergency housing’ is it has to be absolutely temporary, very low cost and thus very often of ‘low quality’. Hundreds of charitable organizations are spending money during the disasters or in other causes making temporary houses which actually don’t help the victims at all in a long run. This competition gives a challenge to design an emergency temporary shelter which will eventually allow reusing the material and structures for a permanent house later.
The co-organizer of the competition is Habitat for Humanity which is an international charitable organization focusing on providing housing solutions to the needy of all race, language, religion or nationalities. And the organization has thus been focused on providing permanent housing solutions.
The basic goal of the competition is to obtain a design for a prototype housing that can be implemented on actual disaster relief sites. The primary idea is about the design of a temporary shelter for housing victims post crisis, which can then be later “recycled” (- converted or incorporated) into permanent housing structures for these victims.
Eligibility: The competition is open to all architect, designers, students and members of the public either individually or as a team.
Schedule: Registration deadline: 11 September, Submission deadline: 1st October 2009 by 12 noon.
Registration: There’s no registration fees. Registration is mandatory and the registration documents can be obtained by emailing to design_competitionATsia.org.sg
Submission: Submission will be via postage mail or directly at the SIA office
For any other details visit the Competition Website.