Those who are living around the under-developed and the fastest growing cities in the world (Lagos, Dhaka, Mumbai, Manila…) must have already realized by themselves the urgent necessity of action for ‘Habitat for Humanity’. It is now regardless of the economic classes of people in these cities that we are suffering from lack of planned housing and accessibility of basic urban facilities. And we have to take actions NOW.
Otherwise in near future our children will be living in abject unplanned settlements (they are already in!).
According to the United Nations, more than 100 million people in the world today are homeless. Millions more face a severe housing problem living without adequate sanitation, with irregular or no electricity supply and without adequate security. By the year 2030, an additional 3 billion people, about 40 percent of the world’s population, will need access to housing. This translates into a demand for 96,150 new affordable units every day and 4,000 every hour. (UN-HABITAT: 2005).
And now along with the slogan of the World Habitat Day we also yell to take action to ensure affordable decent housing for everyone. Raising awareness and advocating for change are the first steps toward transforming systems that perpetuate the global plague of poverty housing. World Habitat Day serves as an important reminder that everyone must unite to ensure that everyone has a safe, decent place to call home.
October 5th is the World Habitat Day. Raise your voice to make everyone realize the importance of this issue, help spread information on this severe unaccounted crisis. The economic and population polarization is now concentrated in faster growing poor urban areas. Think about our urban future, raise an awareness among your friends, neighbors and colleagues to take actions for solving the crises.
ArchSociety is planning to initiate an ‘Open Urban Design Think Tank’ project to gather opensource solutions to critical urban crisis around those cities. We will collect information, research and publish the upgradable-solutions for specific cities and crises. Government, policy makers, working organizations and anyone will be free to use those resources for implementation and for further development.
We are now collecting ideas and site specific information of crises to be researched and treated. You are most welcome to share your resources and write your thoughts regarding this project in the forum.
Help make World Habitat Day and Habitat for Humanity of UN a real success for our own sake.
Visit: worldhabitatdaynews.com for more information.
Editing: Mohammad Tauheed, Mehnaz Ahmed