BUET Campus area in Google Earth with 3d Buildings Layer
Architects and urban designers will always give heartiest thanks to Google for making something like Google Earth so accessible to everyone. It helps us in hundreds of ways! And in that endeavor of Google taking over @Last Softwares's Sketchup was another game changing and immensely helpful venture for designers and planners.
Whatever development we may think about a city or a region firstly we will need a lot of data on the existing infrastructure and the social activity pattern. Most of the data and the layers in Google Earth are contributed by the users from around the world. Where are the urban designers and architects? We see no 'layers' on urban design or future planning of cities in Google Earth or anywhere (if there's any I'm sorry I never heard of).
The exact model of current infrastructure and social activity situations is inevitably necessary. Specially in the developing nations these data could save huge time and efforts for urban design. We need the models of 'fastest growing poorest cities' (like Dhaka, Delhi, Mumbai, Lagos...). We need the existing model and our future planning layers on it. Architects and urban designers should start working in these stuffs to help Google Earth become a better tool for urban designers and planners.
By the way Google Sketchup calls for a competition entitled "Model Your Town Competition". Think of making some groups and start making model of your cities... it would be an amazing contribution to everyone whether someone wins the competition or not. CLICK HERE to join in or get information about this competition from this page. Deadline of submission is March 1, 2010.