Urban Design Student Competition 2006

on Thursday 17 November 2005 - 12:38:37 | by admin
Ud LeftNav 03
International Students’ Urban Design Competition 2006: arranged by Urban Land Institute (ULI).
The registration deadline is 16th December 2005. Team of 5 to 3 students from Graduate or even Undergraduate programs are eligible. The team members must represent a minimum of three disciplines that grant three different degrees, one of which must be a non-design-related discipline (like B.B.A or M.B.A or masters or bachelor student in Sociology etc).
Competition is an ideas competition using a real site. This interdisciplinary problem-solving exercise offers students a chance to mix creativity with functionality. The site, to be announced on January 27, 2006, will be large scale and present complex challenges, needing practicable, innovative solutions that reflect responsible land use.

Click the link below to get all the detail of the competition:

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