We remember the devastation of cyclone Sidr in Bangladesh as a nightmare! (November 15 2007 Cyclone Sidr impacted with heavy rain and storm surge of about 20 feet high, killing 220 kph wind speed, swept away the whole south western coastal area of Bangladesh and at least 3500 people were killed, thousands were injured and almost every family lost their shelter). And from the beginning of the disaster I'm sure many of the architects were thinking or trying to help the victims with their design knowledge, although in most cases we couldn't manage to get funds or patronization to do something fruitful.
However there's a new hope and opportunity to help the affected people of coastal area of Bangladesh as IDB (Islamic Development Bank) declares an open international design competition to build several hundreds of cyclone center cum school around the coastal area of Bangladesh. IDB invites reputed consulting firms, architects and engineers from around the world to participate in the competition. The winning design will be build as a prototype design in numerous places in the coastal area of Bangladesh.
Philanthropist Fael Khair made a generous donation for the Sidr victims of Bangladesh and IDB is entrusted as the implementing organization to utilize the donation. The competition is entitled as "Fael Khair School / Shelter Program".
3 designs will be awarded as:
First: 50,000 USD
Second: 30,000 USD
Third: 15,000 USD
(The amounts have been increased to these figures than the preliminary announcement)
The participants are to submit preliminary design drawings, renderings and write-up in A3 papers and in CD as digital format.
Submission Deadline: 15th April 2009 by 12:00 noon BST (GMT+6)
Download the official Request for Design (pdf file)
Download the official Terms of Reference (pdf file)
Contact for further information:
1) IDB Headquarters, Jeddah, KSA
2) Fael Khair Program Office, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Design shelter cum school for cyclone victims in Bangladesh | Intl Design Competition
on Friday 13 March 2009 - 18:03:59 | by NEO
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