The Open Architecture Network (of Architecture for Humanity) is running a quick call for design the logo of this year's Open Architecture Challenge "[un]restricted access: from military space to civic space", a design competition to turn the abandoned military bases into public spaces. The submission deadline for the logo design contest is
31st August, so there's actually not much time for you to jump in to brainstorm for an identity design for the competition.
As you all may already know Open Architecture Network is a website to host 'Open Source' architecture an initiative by Architecture for Humanity, they are also hosting one of the important yearly design competitions called the Open Architecture Challenge since 2007.
The submission of this logo design competition is over the internet and there's no entry fees. And the award sounds awesome:
- A night-vision goggles (really).
- And 500$ USD cash prize
So what are you waiting for? Log into the
contest page to know more details.

eVolo established in 2006, an annual Skyscraper Competition now has become one of the world’s most prestigious awards for high-rise architecture. It recognizes outstanding ideas that redefine skyscraper design through the implementation of novel technologies, materials, programs, aesthetics, and spatial organizations along with studies on globalization, flexibility, adaptability, and the digital revolution.
The inevitable reality of present day urbanism are tall stuffs. And taller stuffs inevitably come with a lot of inherited troubles, they are difficult to make, they are expensive, most often extremely unfriendly to the environment, killing millions of watts of electricity everyday around the world to keep the air conditioning and elevator systems running. And much talked about green high rises are an absolute rarity in reality. So it's a burning challenge that every creative mind should take part in to think a sustainable future for the tall structures.
So as recommended by eVolo Competition the participants should take into consideration the advances in technology, the exploration of sustainable systems, and the establishment of new urban and architectural methods to solve economic, social, and cultural problems of the contemporary city including the scarcity of natural resources and infrastructure and the exponential increase of inhabitants, pollution, economic division, and unplanned urban sprawl.
The competition is open to Architects, students, engineers, and designers from anywhere in the world and multidisciplinary teams are encouraged. There is no limit for number of submission or number of people in a team, individual submissions are welcome. Submissions are accepted digitally.
# November 7, 2011 – Deadline for submitting questions.
# November 15, 2011 – Early registration deadline
# November 30, 2011 – Answers to questions posted on website
# January 17, 2012 – Late registration deadline
January 24, 2012 – Project submission deadline (23:00 hours US Eastern Time)
Entry fee (for each project): early 65$, late 85$.
Competition Website: For any other details click
Just for getting an idea of the trend and quality of submissions here are the images of the eVolo Skyscraper Design Competition 2011 winning projects:

LO2P: Delhi Recycling Center, first prize winner, eVolo 2011.
Read More on eVolo...
Flat Tower, second prize winner, eVolo 2011.
Read More on eVolo...
Re-imagining the Hoover Dam, third prize winner, eVolo 2011.
Read More on eVolo...
(All images are shared on CC non- commercial -attribution license, licensed to eVolo. The eVolo logo is used just to tag the news item)

In 2011 it's been 200 years since New York City got it's grid iron pattern streets. And since then it has been treated as one of the greatest working street patterns. It served many people in many different ways with amazing flexibility accommodating different architecture and planning in times and inspired many designs around it.
The Architectural League of NY in partnership with the
Museum of the City of New York have been launched an open international idea competition titled "The Greatest Grid" invites architects, landscape architects, urban designers, and other design professionals around the world to use the Manhattan street grid as a catalyst for thinking about the present and future of New York. Given its capacity for reinvention, how might the Manhattan grid continue to adapt and respond to the challenges and opportunities–both large and small–that New York faces now and into the future?
The ChallengesThe challenge is to deal with a lot of questions; what challenges and possibilities face the city today and how might innovative solutions emerge out of (and in turn modify) the existing street grid? What other possibilities exist for rethinking streets that might either increase public space or encourage new kinds of uses? What new infrastructures will the city require–or what existing infrastructures might be rethought–and what impact will they have on the grid?... and continues.
PossibilitiesThe submissions may be practical or visionary, large scale or small, it may be a proposal of new formation of the grid, small infills, possible changes in the existing buildings, suggesting new typology of buildings, it may be a work done on the whole grid or part of it, the options are basically open.
Deadline: September 26, 2011
Awards: Up to ten submissions will be chosen by the jury for exhibition at the Museum of the City of New York. The selected teams will receive an honorarium of $1,000 each. Winners will be announced in mid-October.
Submission: Digital in PDF format
Eligibility: Open to all architects, urban designers, landscape architects, and all other design professionals from any country. Students are ineligible for participation.
Entry Fee: A 25 $ USD online donation payable via credit cards.
Call for Idea PDF More Details: Visit the
Competition Page