Friday 17 July 2009
Spark Design Award 2009: Deadline is approaching!
on Friday 17 July 2009 - 17:37:59 | by NEOSpark Design Awards' is an open international design competition to recognize and inspire designers from various sectors of design from a paper-weight to a high-rise building. Almost anyone can participate in the competition, designers, art directors, architects, design firms, manufacturers, institutions, ad agencies, students and novices may enter.
Phase 1 entry fees are US$ 175 for professionals and US$ 50 for students and none professionals.
Submission deadline: Phase : August 15, 2009, (Late Deadline: September 10)
Visit : for details.
You may register on the website now (CLICK HERE to register). The first phase (virtual jury) final deadline is September 10. An international jury will carefully review the entries. Phase I entrants chosen by the Jury will then have the option to participate in Phase II, as a Spark "Challenger" candidate, with payment of a second fee of $250. Phase II deadline is October 12, 2009. Jurists will judge the actual, physical works of design in Phase II, so you'll need to ship your design to the Jury site by October 16th.
Monday 13 July 2009
Design the future: The Self Sufficient City
on Monday 13 July 2009 - 09:38:55 | by admin The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and HP are pleased to announce the 3rd
Advanced Architecture Contest, on the theme of THE SELF-SUFFICIENT CITY: Envisioning the habitat of the future.
Registration Deadline: 28th September 2009.
The aim of this architecture competition is to promote on-line discussion and research through which to generate insights and visions, ideas and proposals that help us envisage what the city and the habitat of the 21st century should be like.
The contest is open to architects, planners, designers and artists who want to contribute to progress in making the world more habitable by developing a proposal capable of responding to emerging challenges in areas such as ecology, information technology, socialization and globalization, with a view to enhancing the connected self-sufficiency of our cities.
The prize (Total value: 60.000, 00 EUR) will be distributed at the discretion of the Juries following the bases scheme.
This Architecture Competition Jury, which is composed of architects, directors of some of the world’s foremost architecture schools, and mayors of prominent cities around the globe is looking for outstanding proposals for any city in the world, at any scale, and within any timescale.
The Registration is FREE, and the competition entries should be submitted digitally in PDF files via Internet
CLICK HERE to download the brochure of the competition.
Advanced Architecture Contest, on the theme of THE SELF-SUFFICIENT CITY: Envisioning the habitat of the future.
Registration Deadline: 28th September 2009.
The aim of this architecture competition is to promote on-line discussion and research through which to generate insights and visions, ideas and proposals that help us envisage what the city and the habitat of the 21st century should be like.
The contest is open to architects, planners, designers and artists who want to contribute to progress in making the world more habitable by developing a proposal capable of responding to emerging challenges in areas such as ecology, information technology, socialization and globalization, with a view to enhancing the connected self-sufficiency of our cities.
The prize (Total value: 60.000, 00 EUR) will be distributed at the discretion of the Juries following the bases scheme.
This Architecture Competition Jury, which is composed of architects, directors of some of the world’s foremost architecture schools, and mayors of prominent cities around the globe is looking for outstanding proposals for any city in the world, at any scale, and within any timescale.
The Registration is FREE, and the competition entries should be submitted digitally in PDF files via Internet
CLICK HERE to download the brochure of the competition.
Saturday 04 July 2009
Evolo 2010 Skysrcaper Design Competition
on Saturday 04 July 2009 - 10:30:09 | by NEOAfter several years of organizing the annual Skyscraper Competition it has become a renowned architectural prize around the world.
Evolo invites students and professional architects, engineers, and designers to take part in the 2010 Skyscraper Competition. The main idea of this contest is to examine the relationship between the skyscraper and the natural world, the skyscraper and the community and the skyscraper and urban living.
In the last few years we have seen hundreds of new skyscrapers been developed around the world without careful consideration to the context or environment. There is a constant lack of urban planning and poor architectural design without intellectual or perceptual enjoyment. The aim of the competition is to push our imagination to redefine the term skyscraper through the use of new materials, technology, aesthetics, programs, and spatial organizations. Globalization, environmental warming, flexibility, adaptability, and the digital revolution are just some of the multi-layered elements that should be taken in consideration.
There are no restrictions in regards to site, program or size. The objective is to provide maximum freedom to propose the most innovative projects for this fascinating architectural genre. Ultimately, the designs should help the environment, restructure our cities and improve our way of life.
All students, architects, engineers, and designers are invited to participate in the competition. It is encouraged to have multidisciplinary teams.
Participants must register by January 12, 2010 at
Registration fee:
US $60 until November 17, 2009 (early registration)
US $85 from November 17, 2009 to January 12, 2010 (late registration)
One registration = one project. Participants may submit various projects but they must register each entry.
Individual entries are accepted.
There is no limit on the number of participants per team.
November 9, 2009: Acceptance of questions deadline
November 17, 2009: Early registration deadline
November 23, 2009: Answers to questions posted on website
January 12, 2010: Late registration deadline
January 18, 2010: Submission deadline
February 22, 2010: Winners’ announcement
Submission requirements
This is a digital competition and no hardcopies are necessary. Entrants will submit their proposal via email no later than January 18, 2010 (23:00 hours US Eastern Time) to the following email address: skyscraper2010©
Submission details are available at the competition website.
1st place. US $2000, 2nd place. US $1000, 3rd place. US $500
Winners and special mentions will be published in several magazines including eVolo_04.